Vance Joy [QandA]


We threw a few questions at James Keogh, better know as Vance Joy, as he is on tour in The US. We at The Boatshed are big fans of his, and we’re big time looking forward to his tour of The UK which is happening in September.

Where have I caught you, and what are you up to?

Im in between San Diego and San Fran - driving along.

We’re excited about you coming over to the UK in September for a tour. What in particular excites you about coming over here?

I went to this cafe and the lovely waitress had a priceless smile - we also had the best brekky we’ve had in ages. I want to visit again hopefully she still works there. I like the people in The UK.

What will people see in you on-stage that you can’t capture on a record?

My eyes that will be communicating.

What would your (inside your head) reaction be if you were told that you were going to a dinner party with a bunch of Brits?

Yay I like food. I’m so ready to just eat a bunch of dinner right now with Brits.

If I were to turn on our iPod now, what would be playing?

Bob Dylan - bootlegs.

You released your debut EP, God Loves You When You’re Dancing, in March 2013. What were the couple of months after the release like? 

Great just did some shows around Australia - it was quite relaxed really.

You’ve played Aussie rules football to quite a high level. Do you miss playing, and was there a time when you had to make a tough choice?

Nah I got as much out of myself as I think I could. I was into it and made some good mates. I admire the beauty of sport.

You recently signed to Atlantic Records. Can you give us a description of the actual moment, or few hours, that surrounded the pen-to-paper moment? Was there champagne and caviar in a snazzy restaurant, perhaps a man in dark-glasses that invited you briefly into a large black vehicle, or maybe a splintered biro scribbled across a napkin at a greasy spoon café?

I was working in the yard all day at my gardening job - the best job I ever had!!! I arrived at the office of my managers in my gear and signed away :) we had champagne. I was wearing a filthy beanie because YOLO

What’s the word on the album? Any idea when we can expect it, and what the vibe will be?

The vibe will be good - Consistent with the EP. I reckon it is worth a listen. Keep me in a job

Where do you think the Australian music scene is right now? I for one seem to be seeing more and more exciting bands and artists coming from there.

Yeah definitely - so many great acts. Like Big Scary, Jagwar Ma, Krin J Callinan and other badass stuff. It’s just a fertile soil thing i think ;)

What are you busy with for the rest of the month?

Got a week of some radio stops then off on a tour with Young The Giant here in The States
